But I don't think that product placement is nessacarily a new thing 
really.  I mean how many shows have you seen where they are 
drinking "Coke" or eating at a certain resturant, etc.  Brand 
awareness, product placement, it started in Radio and continued in 
the early days of TV, I mean heck I even did a spoof myself on it, 
back when I first started.  


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Personally, I am way more bothered by product placement than 
> >  advertising. If I'm going to be fucked with - excuse me I 
mean "targeted"
> > by  marketers willing to exploit weaknesses in my human nature to 
get me to buy
> >  stuff I don't need with money I don't have before discarding the 
> >  onto a planet that can't take it, I prefer the tactics to be 
> >  and conspicuous. And as a maker, the idea of a sponsor dictating 
what goes
> >  in the frame is even worse than that of some network hack 
telling me to cut
> >  the best material in order to appeal to the lowest common 
> >  There have to be other ways to make work sustain-ably.
> yeah....didnt Quarterlife have a whole story line where they just 
> out in a GM car lot...so they just talked about new GM cars?
> I think in the end its all about good stories.
> If the advertising/product placement gets in the way of 
> As Mr Lynch classically says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
> But i guess the dream is getting a sponsor who gives you creative
> control....hoping your creativity will be enough.
> The company gets attention because they fund creativity.
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790

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