I thought that some of you might be interested in this contest by
Corel. The winner gets $1,500 of software and $1,000 goes to your
green charity of choice.  http://tinyurl.com/4s3htf

>From the Corel website:

Go Green!

Earth Day and spring are perfect times to renew your commitment to
helping the environment. Corel shares this philosophy and wants to
help you spread the word about how you `Go Green' to protect the
health of our planet and/or why you think Earth Day is important.
Create a Go Green video story and not only will you promote
environmental awareness – you could also win hundreds of dollars'
worth of software. Corel will also donate $1000 to the winner's
non-profit green charity or cause of choice. To enter, contestants can
use full versions or download a free trial of Corel® MediaOne® Plus to
edit photos and create slideshows, Corel® Paint Shop Pro® Photo X2 to
edit photos and/or VideoStudio® 11.5 Plus to create videos.

One of the provisions is that you upload to YouTube. 

Anyway, check it out and if you have something that you've done that
qualifies for the contest go for it. 


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