Hey gang!

It's finally time for the little "peace trial" I mentioned a few weeks
back: "Join the Foodchain!"

The project is called "Foodchain," and the goal is to make a 15 second
video that can be strung together with others into a video chain.


Sharing food around the world!

Food sustains, entertains, and interconnects us. But today there is a
global food crisis effecting millions. Help us show that a global network
based on sharing is possible. Join the Foodchain!

The only rule is that a food item must enter camera left and exit camera
right. The rest is up to you! Use your webcam or digital camera. When you
upload, be sure to tag your video with "foodchain" so others can find it.
And try to make a video less than 15 seconds that can be strung, so that
it's easy for people to edit your video with theirs.

Please let us know your name, contact information, and what country your
from in the description of your video when you upload.

Stanford University will award its "Peace Innovation Prize" to the most
creative video clip!

Please upload to one of these pages we've set up:

Here's the Facebook group:



Here's the main home page (that links to the blip, facebook and youtube


I've created a blip account here:


username: foodchain
password: foodchain

For uploading your clips. Of course, it would be great if you uploaded
them to your own sites as well, and spread the word about the project :)

You are probably already familiar with the concept, but just in case, here
are a few examples of other "video chains":

Joga TV chain video:

A while back Gmail launched a challenge to create a collaborate video:
"Help us imagine how an email message travels around the world."



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