Apple has some info on the HV-20/Final Cut workflow to get 1080p24 footage
into the editor.  Short version is you have to import it as 60i and then
reverse telecine each clip with either Cinema Tools or Compressor.

Good luck,

Kary Rogers

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 4:53 PM, eric gunnar rochow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   hey everyone,
> i recently bought a Canon HV-20 to complement my larger camera, the
> Canon XHA1.
> i usually shoot in 24P mode with the XHA1.
> i was under the impression that the HV-20 could shoot in 24P, but i
> now learn that it shoots in a 'sort-of 24P' mode that is then
> 'wrapped' in a 60i format.
> when you import the footage into FInal Cut, it is a 60i file.
> i shoot in progressive ( P format ) specifically for the web, and now
> it looks like i will have to de-interlace this HV-20 footage before
> uploading to Blip, etc.
> Does anyone have any experience with this or suggestions?
> i just learned that Canon's new camera , the HV-30 shoots in true
> 30P, so i may be selling this one and getting the new model , as i
> really want the progressive format.
> thx, eric.
> Gardenfork and Real World Green

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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