> What scares me is the idea of banning decives or services that "could"
> lead someone to infringe on copyright. I am telling you, if we are not
> careful services such as Blip, etc will go away because of
> legislation. There could be a day when you can't upload a video
> because there will be no services left, only those that have
> content "legally" provided to them by studios, etc....it can happen...

Having had tons of my own material ripped off and sold over the years,
and never seeing a penny of the proceeds, I am simply recognising that
piracy, whether I like it or not, is here to stay.

Rather than apply the old copyright paradigm to new distributed
technology, Mark Pesce's lecture on Piracy Is Good (see
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1720068211869162779&q) really
opened my eyes to how as a content producer I can monetarise piracy
for my own benefit.

Check out the lecture, if you haven't seen it, I reckon it's well
worth the 62 minutes. I thought he was on to something with his new
"business model" for making piracy work for content creators, rather
than go the route of yet more and more legislation that at the end of
the day is simply a way to have more and more bureaucratic jobsworths
justify their existence.

Radical stuff that Pesce fellow proposes... is he way of base folks?


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