Check out
Fantastic search tool developed by some people from this list, which  
allows you to search by licence, so you can find things that are  
licenced for reuse by Creative Commons, or are Public Domain.
If you don't know about Creative Commons, you should check out
which is much more informative than the official CC website
You could also search using sites like where  
people upload CC licenced music to be shared and remixed.  But I  
haven't seen much opera or classical on these sites - which is why  
I'd think your best bet was a wider search tool like SpinXpress's  


On 17-Jun-08, at 1:45 PM, Leslie Guttman wrote:

Greetings - I just started posting some videos about the book I'm
writing (see below). I was looking for some opera to accompany one of
the videos - any suggestions on this as well as other music. Thanks -
Leslie Guttman
cell: 510.684.6457
fax: 510.576.1747
Equine ER: A Year in the Life of an
Equine Vet Hospital (Eclipse Press, 2009)

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