Tom wrote:
> Are people vlogging more, but posting less?
> Are people leaving the group?
> Like me, have you become a lurker, not a poster?

I've become much more of a lurker.

> Did you loose interest in vlogging?

Nope, just lacking the time lately...

> Or, just don't have the time to keep it up?

Yup, that's it. :(

> I started off all gung-ho a few years ago, but with family 
> obligations, job, etc.  just don't have the time to vlog these days.  

Time crunch.... working full-time plus running a company, plus family, 
etc. leaves little time.

I am still doing video stuff, just not as much vlogging. Which does sort 
of make me sad. I would love to spend a lot more time creating video.


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