They can take away our lives but they can never take our FREEDOM!  

After listening to Rupert, I want to invade CBS  ;)


--- In, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 5 have paid - but there are THIRTY people on the list on the wiki,  
> right?  So.  That's where it needs to be to start with.  No we've 
> to persuade each other to put our money where our mouth is.
> Seems to me that all these people WANT to go, but need to know who  
> else is going before they put their money down and buy their 
> It's this point, decision time, when we all measure the mood and 
> out whether it's worth it to us, right?
> If those 30 people come - and more - this will be a GREAT few days.
> Not just hanging out in the woods with a bunch of video weirdos, 
> a time to really take things to the next level.
> The events list on the Vloggercamp wiki is still mostly full of 
> for tech lessons.
> But it seems to me that most of us who are going have cracked the  
> technology a long time ago.
> We're not pioneers in anything any more.  Everyone with a 
> connection has watched YouTube.
> Now we've got to figure out What We Want To Do With It.
> Both for ourselves personally - as a hobby - and collectively, as 
> group: where the exciting shit is, what the new challenges and  
> opportunities are, to use bullshit Media Convention marketing speak.
> I've heard people talk about collaborative Shows, interactive  
> storytelling, grassroots democracy & journalism, becoming better  
> filmmakers.
> What *I* want from it is to go and hang out with some of you 
> edge motherfuckers and come up with some stuff that we can do  
> TOGETHER.  Make some stuff there and then, and come away with 
> for the next year.
> COME ON!  Sign up, let's make this an unmissable event, a much 
> turning point and new beginning.
> Rupert
> On 30-Jun-08, at 7:45 AM, Bill Streeter wrote:
> We have 5 people who have registered.
> --- In, Irina <irinaski@> wrote:
>  >
>  > SO
>  > whats the count RIGHT NOW bill
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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