"What do you think will be the impact of voter-generated videos?"

worthless free opinion:

I think the only factor that will determine whether "voter-generated
videos" (aren't they all?) or remixes will impact the election is the
videos themselves, which we can't know or really even analyze
effectively until the election is over. If between one and a handful
of people create something just stupendously persuasive, if someone
breaks open an issue in a way no one has considered before, or
something else along those lines occurs, there could be an impact. If
someone makes a clever but misleading or dishonest but virally
efficient piece of dreck that is the equivalent of a brilliantly
devious unfair attack ad, it might also have an impact. Unfortunately,
given the bias toward short form work (and viewing) on the web, the
latter is more likely, regardless of which side it attacks or favors.

But I suspect most of this work, including some really good work, will
be preaching to the converted, and therefore have little short-term
political impact. That said, I would love to see the unknown budding
Errol Morrises and Chris Markers and Negativlands and Bruce Connors of
the world make some noise in this area.


On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 3:40 PM, noel hidalgo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do you think will be the impact of voter-generated videos?
> Over the past few months, the team at RemixAmerica.org have wondered
> the same. If we look at the Obama campaign and search YouTube, you
> will find - Vote Different, will.i.am's "Yes We Can," Obama Girl, The
> Empire Strikes Barack, and Baracky - just to name a few.
> Yet YouTube's term's of service has already brought down The Empire
> Strikes Barack and Baracky. (btw, you can find them at
> RemixAmerica.org - but ask yourself how many others are censured?) So
> we at www.RemixAmerica.org are publicly beta launching to enlist your
> input.
> Over the past few weeks, we've dusted out the bugs, washed the
> windows, and organized the furniture for a little 4th of July
> celebration. If you have a few minutes this weekend, check out
> http://RemixAmerica.org - I promise you a treat.
> http://RemixAmerica.org is the new home for remixers and video
> remixes. We are a non-partisan, non-profit project of Declare
> Yourself. Through RemixAmerica.org you can participate within the
> political medium of video remixes, mashups and video comments. Not
> only can you use our software to easily create your own remixes! BUT
> you can join the discussion by using your webcam to "talk back."
> Through our "American Playlist," we make it easy to combine today's
> political debate with America's great ideas and historical speeches --
> from the Gettysburg Address to Kennedy's Inaugural to Dr. King's
> speeches -- we give you the power to remix America's greatest moments.
> Check out our blog for highlights, http://blog.remixamerica.org
> If you are a remixer, we would love to feature your work. Upload to
> http://RemixAmerica.org today, and we promise you an informed and
> engaged community.
> If you are a citizen journalist, cultural producer, community
> organizer, activist, volunteer, campaign worker and have videos to
> share, upload them to http://RemixAmerica.org. We want to explore the
> impact of video remixes around America. We want to hear your voice and
> see your thoughts.
> Also, we have noticed that there is no global discussion list for
> remixers. SO we have set up a google group at <
> http://groups.google.com/group/videoremix >. We hope that you join the
> mix and help us develop a global network of creators.
> In short, we are ready to see your creativity. If you think we need to
> change ANYTHING, please email me < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > and I will
> make sure your questions, comments, complaints, or problems are
> addressed.
> We look forward to seeing you and we really look forward to your comments.
> From the staff of www.RemixAmerica.org - Fred, Erika, Noel, Ali &
> Marshal - have a safe and wonderful weekend!

Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

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