I'm in Austin working with Netroots Nation right now and we are
scheduled to interview Nancy Pelosi about this very issue.

Should be posted Saturday or Sunday. If interested, ping me and I'll
post up the URL.

On 7/16/08, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Republican congressman John Culberson is all about twitter and new media.
> http://twitter.com/johnculberson
> he streams live form Qik as well.
> here's a bit of the story:
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,383444,00.html
> But US House rules say that any official communication must happen on
> government servers so it can be archived and found for the future.
> This makes sense till you think of every time a Congressman appears on
> radio or TV, he/she has now put their opinion into the undocumented
> private sphere.
> So why can't they use internet services to better communicate with the
> people?
> There is a good discussion group around this issue at
> http://groups.google.com/group/openhouseproject?hl=en .
> Its a good mix of conservative and progressive techies trying to push
> new legislation to make the US congress more transparent using the
> technology we all love and use daily.
> Imagine if it was normal for Representatives and their staff to
> videoblog all day?
> be great to see how lobbyists operate etc.
> jay
> --
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790

Schlomo Rabinowitz

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