Hi everyone:

I'm in the midst of starting up my radio & TV show now that I have everything 
set up the way I want it now.  Due to lack of time devoted to promotion however 
(And the 1st of the month is next week), I'll likely not get started until the 
week after next.

Amongst the things I'll be discussing will be MY WHOLE TAKE on Sarah Palin 
being a potential VP.

In the meantime, I'm listening to Air America Radio & they've been having A 
FIELD DAY with the whole McCain/Palin mess.  *LOL!*  Take a listen.


Pat Cook
HOST - The Left Wing Conservative Talk Show
Denver, CO
BLOG PAGE - http://theleftwingconservative.blogspot.com/

From: schlomo rabinowitz 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 1:56 PM
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Video responses to debates tonight for BBC


The Uptake will be live streaming from 6 states during the debates.
Jackson West and I will be doing it from the Roxie Theater in SF.

On 9/26/08, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Someone from BBC News Interactive just emailed me to ask me to
> contribute video responses to the Presidential Debate tonight because
> he noticed i am "in to video blogging".
> They obviously want videos from as many different people as possible,
> for inclusion on BBC World.
> If you send your video before the debate ends, they'll include it in
> their programme on the BBC World News channel immediately after the
> debate. And I guess it'll also go on their site.
> Upload videos to them at http://bbcnewsupload.streamuk.com
> and mark it for the attention of Trushar Barot to make sure it
> doesn't get missed.
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.tv

Schlomo Rabinowitz
http://schlomo.tv - finally moving to wordpress
http://hatfactory.net - relaxed coworking


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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