All right, then.  24 hours later and a massive 21 votes have been cast.
The most popular shorthand name / tag - though with only 33% - is:


A suitably brief tag for our Twitterholic world.

So it's VloMo - or Videoblogging Month.  Or Vlogging Month, if you  
can bring yourself to say that.  Whatever, call it what you want when  
you describe it.  But the tag and the channel and all official things  
will be in the form VloMo08.

As I've already said, we will *not* be using Ning this year.  We'll  
be using Mefeedia, which will be much better for watching,  
aggregating, commenting and archiving.  We'll have a channel at

And you'll be able to put the feed for that channel into Miro or  
iTunes or whatever reader or aggregator you choose.

Mefeedia are sorting this, adding some extra features just for us.   
For free, in the middle of a busy time for them (they've just  
relaunched the site), so please be patient.  In the next couple of  
days, you'll be able to go to the channel and add your feed.

I'll post here and on Twitter as soon as it's fully up and running.    

If you're thinking about joining in and worried about the commitment,  
don't fret it.   Allow yourself half an hour per day and just post  
some video - any video, however small, on any account.  Doesn't have  
to be what you usually do, or up to any high production standards.   
Join in, it'll make the watching more fun, too.


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