Hi everyone:

And to top it all off, CRAPCAST recently announced a 250 GB bandwith cap limit 
for residential customers.  Ya think they're hard up for BUSINESS package 
customers in this economy or is it because they're too busy fighting people 
like the NFL over how they market NFL Network to us?

Or is it a combination of BOTH???


Pat Cook
Denver, CO
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From: Jay dedman 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:29 AM
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] elitists

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 7:43 AM, liza jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ever consider how elite this group is? given the chosen growth pattern
> of broadband suppliers to feed only the rich neighborhoods
> and 'redline' the rest, and the tiny percentage of the world's
> population with access to high speed video on the net, i am not at all
> suprpised to learn early web based old school 'tv shows' are not
> pulling in the results required to support them.
> sent to you from my 150 year old farmhouse courtesy of my sprint
> aircard. but i have to go into town and steal wi-fi to view online
> videos.

I dont see how elitism has anything to do with it.
we've always talked about the edges on this list.

But I agree that US broadband providers are creating non-broadband ghettos.
I live in an area where Comcast and the phone company wont connect us
because there arent enough of us.
So we're on satellite internet which is fast, but limits our home to
300mb traffic per day.
We dont watch >50mb videos at home.

we take part in our local county meetings though.
there's a movement to get broadband connection because even grandmas
are realizing that they are missing things when on dialup.
people got to push.


917 371 6790


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