jay rosen (http://newassignment.net/about_newassignment_net) is on the board
of advisors.
so he is still a part of these efforts which is good to see.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:52 PM, sull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> looks GREAT on paper ;)
> good read....
> http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2007/07/assignment_zero_final
> sull
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:38 PM, schlomo rabinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>   Hey all
>> From the Knight-Ridder challenge/contest, here is one of the winners:
>> <http://spot.us/>
>> From the site: Spot.Us is a nonprofit project to pioneer "community funded
>> reporting." Through Spot.Us the public can commission investigations on
>> important and perhaps overlooked stories. Donations are tax deductable and
>> if a news organization buys exclusive rights to the content, your donation
>> will be reimbursed. Otherwise content is made available through a Creative
>> Commons license.
>> <br>
>> More and more of these sorts of sites are popping up; I'm starting to
>> think
>> about them as UGC 2.0 sites, where now you are still making all the
>> content,
>> but the site is trying to make you feel good about it (and hopefully give
>> you a couple dollars to boot, but dont count on it).
>> Do you think there is a long-term market for this sort of stuff? Or does
>> it
>> just sound good on paper?
>> --
>> Schlomo Rabinowitz
>> http://schlomo.tv - finally moving to wordpress
>> http://hatfactory.net - relaxed coworking
>> AIM:schlomochat
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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