Bought a .pdf copy a couple of months ago; great stuff.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Caleb J. Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Merry NY Band.
> Well it's true for my book about how to be a good Production Assistant
> at least. If you self-publish a book on (on demand printer)
> with their free ISBN choice that uses them as the Publisher, but also
> retains copyright and cancellation with you,  it does make it to
> Amazon in two months or so. (They also have an option I think for $100
> where you are the publisher and can do multiple books.)
> They price it for one penny less then the price I set on Lulu, and I
> get less of a cut on LuLu. Cleaver. Write a review if you're read it!
> It's selling about 2 a day online, mostly PDF downloads which are
> about the same profit as the printed copy:
> Caleb (coffee bought from book sales tastes better) Clark
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Jan McLaughlin
Production Sound Mixer
air = 862-571-5334
aim = janofsound
skype = janmclaughlin

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