> Creative Commons is something that helps us as amateur/indie creators
> thrive, but until the mainstream media conglomerates adopt it
> themselves (even from a marketing angle), there's little motivation
> for them for going the extra mile of respecting CC.
> Till today, do they see Creative Commons as their "friend" or "enemy"?

While interesting and kind to consider the feelings of corporations, I
think it's beside the point for this example.
Youtube is supposedly based on videos created by people.
The point is that Youtube should simply enable Creative Commons...and
let the ecosystem develop naturally.
Right now, there is no framework to use other people's youtibe videos
in a reasonable, transparent way.

Both blip.tv and flickr.com have created strong business supporting
Creative Commons.
Youtube is simply the big player whose decisions affects everyone
else....like the state of California in the US.


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