Well, I'm afraid we must now stone you to death.  Sorry.

The thing is, I think we're all so used to getting our stuff  
distributed, watched & commented on, that we don't give the same  
amount of thought to festivals, etc that other filmmakers do.  (If  
they didn't get their stuff shown at festivals, it wouldn't get seen  
at all)

So it never occurs to any of us to share this info here.  When I used  
to make short fiction films, I used to have a huge list of festivals  
and all their submission dates in my diary.   I know it's a different  
deal - but as DFF shows, there are clearly opportunities for our  
clips to enjoy international fun & frolics.


On 11-Dec-08, at 9:36 AM, schlomo rabinowitz wrote:

I guess this one is my fault, Rupert, as I know these folks and have  
them in the past.
I think I share a fair amount here, but some of it slips through the  

One of the organizers shoots and edits all the video at chow.com He's  
one of

Schlomo Rabinowitz
http://schlomo.tv - finally moving to wordpress
http://hatfactory.net - relaxed coworking

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 8:24 AM, Rupert <rup...@fatgirlinohio.org>  

 > Submissions already closed.
 > We're weirdly disorganised about these things in our community. Most
 > filmmaking communities are sharing information about festivals and
 > competitions all the time - and all other opportunities for getting
 > your films seen by a wider audience and getting useful awards/prizes.
 > So many of the people here are making stuff that would take this kind
 > of festival by storm. If I'd known about the DFF, I would have
 > submitted my films and I hope I'd get something in - but it doesn't
 > occur to me to look.
 > Can other people reply with other similar festivals/comps that they
 > know about, and we'll make a wiki page with submission dates?
 > Rupert
 > http://twittervlog.tv
 > On 11-Dec-08, at 7:55 AM, Jay dedman wrote:
 > Not sure I like the word "Disposable", but interesting all the same.
 > http://disposablefilmfest.com/about/
 > The Disposable Film Festival was created in 2007 to celebrate the
 > artistic
 > > potential of disposable video: short films made on non-
 > professional devices
 > > such as one-time use video cameras, cell phones, point and shoot
 > cameras,
 > > webcams, computer screen capture software, and other readily
 > available video
 > > capture devices. With people everywhere posting videos online, we
 > felt the
 > > time was right to draw attention to the creative potential of this
 > new mode
 > > of filmmaking. Far beyond its initial roles for video blogging and
 > > documentation, the DFF offers a forum to display how disposable
 > media can be
 > > used for creative purposes. The DFF hosts screenings,
 > competitions, and
 > > other events to showcase the best work within the disposable genre.
 > >
 > > We want your Disposable Films. So, shoot 'em, cut 'em, and send
 > them in.
 > >
 > --
 > http://jaydedman.com
 > 917 371 6790
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 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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