You forgot to mention Harrison Ford, Gordon Brown, etc.  You are the  
celebrity videoblogger.

I have questions:
1) I'm interested why after a)the success of The Fast Runner and b) 
Kapadia's own films in which he cast Indians as Indians, he cast  
Michelle Yeoh as an Inuit woman in Svalbard.  Surely this was a great  
opportunity for an unknown Inuit actress?
2) Why did they change the name of the original short story from True  
North (a much better name) to Far North which doesn't mean anything?
3) Kapadia seems pretty cool - he started out making documentary  
shorts by himself about the world around him, then went to the Royal  
College of Art and made bigger shorts - and now he's still making  
shorts (though I haven't seen them) even though he's a working  
feature film director.   Why does he do it? To keep practicing his  
art when he's not working on features?  If so, why not use little  
cameras and work on his own like he used to, rather than spend lots  
of money on a crew - share the films online as part of an ongoing  
body of work, and have a direct connection with his audience?   
There's a whole new generation of filmmakers here who are making  
ongoing documentaries about the world around them and connecting  
directly.  Or does he feel that as a well-known director, he doesn't  
have an interest in sharing his work this way?
4) Sean Bean.  Why?


On 18-Dec-08, at 5:20 AM, mikeysizemore wrote:

Hi all,

So I mess around with pointing video cameras at interesting people
from time to time (for my sins I was the idiot who got Spielberg &
Lucas on Seesmic earlier in the year). Later today I'm interviewing
Michelle Yeoh and director Asif Kapadia - I'll be pointing my trusty
HG10 at them, but we're sourcing questions via Twitter. As usual with
these things it was all very last minute, but if anyone on this list
wants to pose a question in the next three hours or so just ask it on
Twitter and add the hashtag #FarN at the end so we can track it. More
info here:

I hope this isn't spam.

I'm hoping to cut the footage with questions from the Twitter stream
and Seemic & Phreadz etc. No idea how it'll turn out, but fun to play
with this stuff.



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