That article was excellent.  I've been contemplating a technology that 
would make all this happen much sooner.  Suppose (and I'm sure many 
people have) that you had a system where folks could give you a few 
cents every time they looked at a video. 

Let's say you have a site with 10 videos that anybody can watch, and 
then you post 20 or 30 or 100 more that it costs anywhere from 1 cent 
to 10 cents ( or more) for people to watch.  And on your site you have 
a little button that takes folks to another site where they buy 
credits  - $ 5.00 or $ 10.00 at a time.  Then they come back to your 
site, and click on a video that they want to watch, that costs 2 
cents.  They watch it and they are happy, and you've made two cents.

Now when you reach a certain threshold - say $ 10.00, the "Flick Bank" 
deposits the money in your paypal account.  You can let it gather if 
want.  (Maybe the Flick bank pays interest??)

The way this starts is that somebody puts together the Flick Kicks 
Bank, and starts signing up artists.  Then Flick Kicks starts 
promoting the idea that people should get paid for their work.

The problem that has held this back - that has stopped this process of  
mini-micro payments is that up until now, merchant account or Paypal, 
have charged $ .30 a transaction plus 2.7%.  With this new system, 
Flicks has to pay for the transaction - but only once.  So even though 
$ 5.00 represents 200-250 transactions, there's only one charge at the 
beginning and one that the artist pays, when they get their money.

Anybody want to help me build this?

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