On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Nerissa Oden <thevideoqu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Anyone using an affordable web service (or program) that allows for PPV of a
> live streaming event? This is different than the more common PPV on-demand
> achived video file.
> Even a good work-around suggestion like selling a link to hidden page
> containing the live feed? I am currently using mogulus for live feed of our
> community tv station, see here--
> http://www.upstartbastrop.com/bcat_stream.html
> Thanks in advance for your recommendations!
> Nerissa

ustream.tv, mogulus pro, justin.tv have a password-protect feature,
you can sell passwords
stickam has payperlive.com

hope this helps

Jacek Artymiak
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