Uploading option still available on Google video here.
Googled for the article you mentioned (include links!):
and it seems it'll be something they'll be discontinuing in a few  
months.  Means Google will be taking itself out of the market for  
videos longer than 10 minutes.  Seems a weird and pointless choice,  
given their might and the importance of video online - particularly  
as the web moves to the TV.  Maybe it's something to do with some  
kind of commercial contract they've got for provision of longer-form  
internet TV services.

They handle some things very badly. A whole bunch of things are being  
axed, including Dodgeball and Jaiku, which they spent a lot of money  
on and then did nothing with - failing to use their might & resources  
to improve on Twitter.  Still, I guess the startup execs who cashed  
in when they sold to Google probably aren't too upset.


On 15-Jan-09, at 1:03 PM, paulvideoprez wrote:

According to Information Week, Google Video has eliminated uploading

Creative Mobile Filmmaking
Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93

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