I've moved to the same town as Michael Linton, who has some great  
thoughts about Open Money, which he explained at Gnomedex a in August  

As he says, it'll make your head hurt, but I think it'll make your  
head hurt less today than it would have done 18 months ago.  A lot of  
us have seen more clearly recently that money is almost make-believe,  
a useful contract that we've all come to believe in as an empirical -  
almost atomic - solid irreplaceable building block of everything.   
When it ceases to become useful, loses its value, or is a thing that  
people can't obtain at all because they can't earn it, then it opens  
up a space for something else.

If you want to see what kind of open and community-based alternatives  
to single universal currencies will be emerging in the wake of our  
financial system's implosion, watch Michael's Gnomedex lecture here:

On 10-Feb-09, at 11:36 AM, Kara Andrade wrote:

There¹s lots on the topic of micropayments out there today:



My take on this is that the more approaches we experiment with,  
micropayments, the more likely we¹ll stumble upon a collective solution.
There is no silver bullet anymore, nor was there every.

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