I ran across this project where a couple of videomakers are teaching
Nepalese to document their ow lives with video:

Within Nepals current tumultuous backdrop, the Clean Hands Project provides
> a group of Nepali activists and journalists, who are part of the Dalit
> untouchable caste, the opportunity to use professional video and photography
> equipment and the training to learn how to use it. Often excluded from the
> privilege of image creation, Dalits have relied on others to tell their
> stories. Co-directors Jes Therkelsen and Phoebe Gilpin spend three months
> holding training workshops through rural and urbanized Nepal teaching Dalit
> activists and journalists how to use photography and videography to raise
> issues of social justice.

An important aspect in this new media world is that we can now get
characters to participate in their own story using inexpensive equipment and
worldwide distribution.
It'll be pretty exciting when we can easily get POV's of other cultures
directly from the source.


917 371 6790

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