
I totally agree with you. My words, that you cite is the attitude of my
paper's chief and even university, because when student writes a
scientific work, he must use, well, let's say the mainstream media and
(or) scientific literature . In this case, as I've been searching for
history events in video blogging, I haven't found any (except Jay
Dedman's) "trusty" sources, that I could use like: "one author says,
that video blogging started that way, that year, etc.", "second author
says, that video blogging started absolutely not like that, like said
first author" - that's called information sources analysis (of
literature/journal's/posts). In this case, I just cannot compare, cite
"forum posts" and put them in bibliography list, which is very
formal...For me, as student and citizen, it is no difference: is it
mainstream or not. In mainstream I can hear "the official side" of the
fact/topic, and in the blog I can find the "backstage" of the same
fact/topic, and the information I find on the blog, is up to me - to
trust or not (search for more info, etc.).

However, tomorrow, I'm going to meet my chief, and we will discuss about
that, and the results of "trustworthy and not sources" I will write
here...Thanks for posting !

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "~ FluxRostrum" <fluxrost...@...>
> howdy Gintaras,
> what is sad to me (as someone who video Blogs documentary/news pieces)
> is this line of thought (which is not unique to you)
> that mainstream is trustworthy and independent is not.
> " it is sad, that sources, which are not mainstream,
> cannot be trusted..well, officially."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> If mainstream was trustworthy I would NEVER have been a video blogger.
> It was the main reason I choose to do this.
> You might want to be as skeptical of the mainstream as you are of
> MAINSTREAM is controlled by the major corporations of the world and
they give information biased to benefit their corporations at the cost
of the truth and they will DENY this until death much like politicians.
> Independents Media sources are also biased but not toward the
Corporate agenda.
> They are more openly biased, like an advocate.
> Solidarity,
> ~FluxRostrum
> homebase
> http://Fluxview.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> current project
> http://MobileBroadcastNews.org
> ~~~
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