I do like this idea - and if I were actually making any videos at the  
moment, I'd be up for it.  But I'm not.
I think the last one was done using a Flashmeeting, and I seem to  
remember it working quite well.  I also remember Verdi (and others)  
had a set of rules for facilitating the critiquing, that also worked  
quite well.


On 3-Jun-09, at 10:41 PM, Jay dedman wrote:

> > I'm new to this group and glad I found it. Wanted to see if anyone  
> was
> > interested in forming a critique group where we share content and  
> provide
> > constructive feedback and give ideas about the appropriate market.  
> or maybe
> > such a group already exists and someone could steer me toward it.
> > If it's a small group with up to 10 people or so, we could just  
> swap links
> > and shoot messages to each other. If it gets much bigger, might  
> want to
> > break into subgroups by category of content.
> > Anyway, let me know if you're interested or if there is already  
> such a place
> > I could go.
> Verdi tried this one time, a group where people could safely critique
> each others work. I think a project like this takes the force of your
> personality to make it happen. You know, no one wants to do anything
> till other people are doing it.
> Maybe people will shout out if interested.
> jay
> -- 
> http://ryanishungry.com
> http://jaydedman.com
> http://twitter.com/jaydedman
> 917 371 6790

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