> From the articles it sounds like initially the "Add Media" button will allow
> you to add Ogg Theora video from Wikimedia and Internat Archive and perhaps
> others. So you'd need to upload there first.
> What would really be cool is to have the wiki capability for editing video.
> So edit histories can be gone back to (and branched off of) for people to
> create different edits at any time and point.

Here's another good link explaining what Wikimedia is planning with
video: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Media_Projects_Overview

At the Open Video conference, it became clear that the Mozilla
foundation, Internet Archive, Wikimedia, and Xiph.org are all working
together to build a FOSS editing platform. Many agreed that Ogg/Theora
is a good FOSS codec to begin with...but not the end. Better codecs
will be developed (like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_%28codec%29
developed by the BBC).

The point is to find alternatives to the dominant Quicktime and Flash
codecs. The goal is to have an open standard for video just like there
are open standards for text and images for the web.

As Enric points out, once there's an ecology for FOSS video...creative
developers can start doing things like "wiki capability for editing
video". Or cool interactive video. But instead of developers fighting
with Flash/Quicktime to get it to do what they want, we can work with
FOSS codec developers.

I know for creators it's still a difficult argument to make. It's
really a "show me the goods first" moment. How will this make me more
creative? Get more views? Give me better quality compression at a
smaller size? Ensure I have watchable archives in 50 years?

The future remans to be seen, but good tools are already being built.
Check out http://firefogg.org/ for a neat Firefox plugin that
automatically transcodes videos to Ogg.


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