Hey Rupert,
I set up a Ning site for my book about online video, Get Seen.


The book is coming out in December and I'm starting to post lots of good info 
about online video there.

I'm encouraging readers of the book to visit the site to get answers to 
questions and I'm going to be posting updates on there too about cameras, add 
ons, web sites and software.

It's a site that's not just for people who've purchased to book, so I'd 
encourage list members to take a look and join in.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert Howe <rup...@...> wrote:
> I know we return to this every so often - how to add more  
> functionality to this list...  I just had a thought, so I wanted to  
> jot it down here while it was still fresh.
> It seems to me that we could benefit from a Facebook-style, Ning-style  
> or Drupal-based site where we could have this same kind of disussion  
> forum, but where we could also upload/link a lot of other content -  
> particularly videos - and connect in other ways.
> What I want is a bridge between RSS, Twitter, threaded discussions,  
> community hub and information archive.
> I want a non-corporate community-owned place where I can go, where  
> there are lots of online video people, where I can:
> a) post links to things of interest (i do that here sometimes)
> b) Bookmark videos I like (harder to do that here)
> c) chat in asynchronous twitter style but with preserved threads that  
> allow more than just statement > response > end
> d) talk about more serious internet video things (i do that here)
> f) Bookmark whole sites/channels/videoblogs, like a vlogroll, but much  
> larger, and with an aggregated directory of all sites for everyone to  
> browse, in categories.
> g) Form groups for different types of people/sites/channels/videos/ 
> interests
> h) post other types of content - photos, etc
> i) a place for people to come up with & coordinate collaborative  
> projects and challenges like vbweek
> j) an archive like the videoblogginggroup Wiki for sharing advice &  
> suggestions
> Oh my god, this sounds like Facebook for online video people.  But I  
> HATE Facebook.  So how come?  I think what I hate most about Facebook  
> is the lack of boundary between people from different parts of your  
> life - work, home, hobbies, etc.  I want something like Facebook, but  
> that's a videoblogging ghetto.
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.tv

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