Eric Lorentz, aka UnholyKnght, has done us all a big solid. He updated
the Videopress and vPIP plugins for the latest version of Wordpress:

Many of you may remember all the work that Charles and Enric put into
the original versions. These plugins helped make video a more active
part of our WP blogs. As Wordpress evolved, these plugins starting
acting buggy or broke. It's a lot of work keeping these plugins
constantly updated.

If you use the old versions, delete them and install these new ones.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, give them a try. Or
hopefully some folks here will link to some examples.

We want to redesign our videoblog, but you can see all the plugins in
"VideoWrangler (new version of vPIP)" allows multiple video formats to
play in one place. "Related Videos" on sidebar lets us choose which of
our archives compliment the main video. We put "Recent Videos" on the
footer to show our latest work. If you click "Archives" in the
navigation bar, you'll be able to scroll through thumbnails and
descriptions of our work.

The plugins are all open source if anyone wants to imporve the
functionality. I know Heath and Mike Moon have recently discussed
better Archive pages.

Thank you Eric!


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