That's a really nice site Pete, beautifully put together!

I myself just moved my studio and turned up a bunch of tapes from when
I ran shoutcast streams around the turn of the century, I've been
steadily podcasting them at

after which they hit the dumper!


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Pete Prodoehl <> wrote:
> I put my 20+ year old box of audio cassettes to good use...
> And you can see some of the results here:
> I consider myself an "archivist" and "documentarian" which are fancy
> words for "packrat" and "guy who doesn't throw things away... ever!"
> Sometimes you can only see the value of things later. Sometimes much later.
> Pete

Joly MacFie  917 442 8665 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - -

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