Hi WGBH Lab Friends,

We're down to the last round of submissions for the iPod Nano contest, and we 
need your help.  In order for these Life Stories to win, they need comments.  
Take a moment to watch the 3 finalists, and leave a comment letting them know 
what you think.  Your comment could help them win an iPod Nano.


Judith Klausner: Artist - What if you woke up tomorrow trapped in the body of 
an insect? Follow artist Judith Klausner on her journey to create sculptures 
that hybridize humans and bugs.

Images Lost and Found - This Life Story is about the fleeting moments of 
happiness so often intermingled with an inescapable feeling of loss.  A moment 
will pass and then you will fully realize what it means to be human.

Becoming a True Human Being - Explore how research taught human beings how to 
reach their highest creative potential.


And it's not too late to submit YOUR Life Story.  The WGBH Lab is accepting 
submissions until December 31st, 2009.  Your work may be broadcast in 
conjunction with NOVA programming on life and evolution.  Visit the site for 
details: http://thewgbhlab.org/nova-splash.

Thanks, and have a great day!
The WGBH Lab

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