Belated new years greetings to all, Ive not been keeping up with the list much 
in the last year or so but am back again for now...

So, is this going to be the year that the tablet form factor finally takes off? 
And if so, will it have many implications for vlogging?

Assuming that Apple are going to announce a tablet/slate/call it what you will 
near the end of the month, and knowing that other companies have been showing 
off tablets or assocaited technology recently (eg Microsoft, HP, nvidia), I 
guess there are 3 areas where this could have implications for vlogging:

Mobile editing - perhaps the larger screen, more power & multitouch will 
refresh the mobile editing experience in a good way?

New viewing device/habits/resolution - Assume device will be at least 720p res 
(eg 1280x800), perhaps even full HD. Smaller videos will probably still look 
quite nice but maybe this stuff will encourage more HD content? Not sure if 
people watching on tablets will increase demand for web video or cange the 
potential audience & their habits much?

Beginnings of a new sleeker web, 3D & multitouch or at least flash-free 2d 

Ive been wanting to develop web stuff for a suitable tablet for years now, 
although I must confess that since youtube, facebook & twitter came to dominate 
Ive become very unclear about what is next for the web and what services people 
might actually need.


Steve Elbows

PS. I didnt have time to hunt for new shows/vlogs in 2009, any tips for great 
new stuff that came along?

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