> Is the Political Video Project still going? I see politicalvideo.org only 
> goes as far as 2007 or so.
> Problem is I need video from the past year because I plan on capitalizing on 
> President Obama's hopeful plans to change Washington (And call him & his 
> staff on the carpet on a few things at the same time) by making a remix viral 
> video & posting it to my political blog.
> So I suppose the bigger question now (Given all the issues at stake) is what 
> (If anything) is being done to somehow continue (Or preserve) videos from the 
> Obama Administration?
> In my opinion, we shouldn't stop preserving videos simply because we've 
> changed Presidents in the past year. That's lame.

All political speech should be available no matter what party is in power.

http://politicalvideo.org started because you couldn't easily get
access to President Bush's speeches. All his videos were locked in
REAL or streaming Windows format.  Several of us spent a week scraping
Bush's presidential site, transcoding the video archive, and reposting
online in a searchable format.

Obama's administration has greatly diminished the need for hacking to
get access. Here are high-quality photos you can download posted
daily: http://www.flickr.com/photos/whitehouse.

His speeches are posted online, including a downloadable mp4 and mp3:

I would like to see even more transparency beyond just access to
videos in the political process. http://sunlightfoundation.com/ is a
good advocacy group to check out.


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