I am off my contract at AT&T. Finally, I breath the airwaves of a free man.
Freedom's great responsibilities descend over me as I behold the daily
onslaught of new smart phones. I know not what to do. Frozen, I keep my
Nokia flip phone, held together with black duct tape. It soldiers on, and
come what may, will someday be heralded as a very smart phone in its own

But I just watched the glitzy iPhone 4 ad,
http://www.apple.com/iphone/design/#design-video  and read through that
design page. It's typical Apple. I'm now lusting irrationally...but amid the
hype, I think this iPhone may be a guerrilla docu/human rights
advocate/vlogger's dream!? and of course only for the next few minutes.

   - 720p 30fps
   - Bigger battery
   - Camera's flash will double as a fill light for video. So you could
   conceivably get an interview in pitch black if you're right up close to
   someone.I've lit someone's face with a cell phone screen...
   - Front and back cameras for pic in pic reporting and switching between
   the two in the fly for reactions and subject...maybe?
   - On board basic editing in iMovie
   - Geolocation tagging
   - Anything else?

Will the iPhone 4 unfreeze me? Thoughts? Or are their any Android phones on
the horizon like it, but with a mic input and removable batteries!!!???

~ Caleb Clark
- Program Director, Marlboro College Graduate School:
- Portfolio: http://www.plocktau.com
"The problem with communication is the assumption it has been accomplished."
- G. B. Shaw.

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