I completed the presentation on film treatment of children's literature 

Thank you for all the input members of this list provided in helping me prepare.

During the presentation I referred to  points from specific articles or books 
I'd read in preparation, and prepared a reference list of those sources.  The 
instructor shared that list with the students not as a requirement, but for 
additional information if they are so inclined.

I thought members of this list might like to see the references too.  Included 
below, with an indented note on nature of the work.

Students in the course are to read a children's book and view the film 
version/adaptation and write  a short paper analyzing/comparing the film 


deg farrelly, Full Librarian
Arizona State University
PO Box 37100
Phoenix, Arizona  85069-7100
Phone:  602.543.8522
Email:  deg.farre...@asu.edu


Day, P. A. (1997). The impact of Disney film adaptations of fairy tales on 
knowledge of traditional tales. (M.S., Illinois State University). , 118. . 

Forman, H. J., Payne Fund, I., & Motion Picture Research Council. (1933). Our 
made children. New York: The Macmillan Company.
    historic reference

Gaffney, M. (1981). Evaluating attitude: Analyzing point of view and tone in 
adaptations of literature. Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language
Association Division on Children's Literature and the Children's Literature
Association, 9, 116-125.

Gomery, D. (1992). Shared pleasures : A history of movie presentation in the 
States. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
    2 pages address the development of children's matinees in the 1930s

Kael, P., (1976). Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. New York: Little Brown & Company.
    chapter on children's films

McAllister, C. (2009). Oversimplification in the adaptation of children's 
literature to film.
(M.A., University of Alberta (Canada)). 93. (MR54163)

Morris, T. (2000). You're only young twice : Children's literature and film. 
Urbana Ill.:
University of Illinois Press.

Springhall, J. (1999). Youth, popular culture and moral panics : Penny gaffs to 
1830-1996. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Macmillan Press;
St. Martin's Press.
    more contemporary treatment of issues raised in "Our Movie Made Children"

Street, D. (1982). An overview of commercial filmic adaptation of children's 
Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 7(3), 13-17.

Street, D., & Levy, J. (1983). Children's novels and the movies. New York: F. 
Ungar Pub.
    seminal work

Swartz, M. E. (1996). Before the rainbow: L. Frank Baum's "the wonderful wizard 
of oz"
on stage and screen to 1939. (Ph.D., New York University). 536 . (9621838)

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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