I do not know if Sound Ideas (a Canadian company) has SE online, but you could 
contact them and inquire.    Up until the beginning of this century, I 
purchased AV materials and my contact there was Marty, I think.  I am not sure 
if he is still there but he was very good about answering my questions 
regarding their materials, copyright, and and use in student productions.

Sound Ideas

Debra-Jo Sujka
Library Assistant
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario

Ideas expressed are strictly my own.

----- Original Message -----

> Stefanie,
> We use a few music libraries, but the favorites among our producers 
> are Omni and Firstcom.
> http://www.omnimusic.com/
> http://www.firstcom.com/launchpage/FirstCom/
> We don't own the rights, but we can purchases drops as needed. I know there 
> are re-use restrictions but it depends on who owns it and how it's used.
> Best,
> Laura
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> AnswersMedia
> Laura Fu
> Video Assets Manager
> 400 W. Erie
> Chicago, IL 60654
> P: 312.421.0113 ext.5160
> F: 312.421.1457
> lau...@answersmediainc.com<
> www.answersmediainc.com<
> www.answerstv.com<
> I have a faculty member who is looking for sound effects libraries 
> similar to the BBC collection on 60 CDs but server or web based. The 
> issue is that the CDs are a little awkward to use and require a lot of 
> searching. I have found that the BBC collection is available on a hard 
> drive. The question is are there any libraries who purchase sound 
> effect libraries on  hard drives or web based and then 
> circulate/provide access to these to students? I have found many 
> example of media centers or digital centers at universities that make 
> sound effects collections available but not too many examples of  
> libraries that are circulating sound effects or stock video 
> collections on a hard drive. My guess is that there are licensing 
> issues involved. Is anyone doing this? Does anyone know of a sound 
> effects or stock video/image collection that is online that is 
> subscription based and allows multiple user access?
> Thanks,
> Stefanie Buck

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VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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