We have Mango languages - Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Italian,
Spanish, and ESL for Spanish speakers.


Becky Tatar


Aurora Public Library

1 E. Benton Street

Aurora, IL   60505

Phone: 630-264-4100

FAX: 630-896-3209




From: videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu
[mailto:videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of Ball, James
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 12:41 PM
To: videolib@lists.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [Videolib] Foreign language materials


One more quesion about this, is anyone using any kind of downloadable
language material rather then physical audio CDs?  Is this something
that's handled through another department at your institution?


(Kim, thanks again for the heads up on the Playaways.  I'm looking into







Matt Ball
Media and Collections Librarian
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA  22904
mattb...@virginia.edu <mailto:mattb...@virginia.edu>  | 434-924-3812



From: videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu
[videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] on behalf of Ball, James (jmb4aw)
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 3:37 PM
To: <videolib@lists.berkeley.edu>
Subject: Re: [Videolib] Foreign language materials

Thanks everyone for your feedback so far, it's very helpful.  


Winifred, you mentioned no recalls or renewals online, but do you allow
renewals by phone or in person?  Also, even if there are no recalls, do
you allow holds?






Matt Ball

Media and Collections Librarian

University of Virginia



On Jun 3, 2011, at 2:14 PM, "Metz, Winifred F" <fred...@email.unc.edu>

        Hi Matt 

        We circulate foreign language learning CDs, too.  We have a
pretty wide variety
(http://www.lib.unc.edu/house/mrc/pages/collection/language.html) and it
is an extremely  popular service.    We loan them out as kits (so, if
Pimsleur Arabic has 8 discs, they all go out together) for 30 days at a
time.  Like our other media materials, they cannot be recalled or
renewed online.  As with Kim's collection - these are held with all of
our Media Center materials in our closed stacks.  

        We've had this collection for about 7 years - and it remains
highly used.


        Winifred Fordham Metz
        Media Librarian & Head, Media Resources Center
        Undergraduate Library
        University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


        On Jun 3, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Stanton, Kim wrote:


        We circulate foreign language learning CDs and Playaways
(self-contained, portable MP3 devices). We've purchased Pimsleur,
Colloquial Series and Henry Ramond's Learn In Your Car series. The
Pimsleur language learning Playaways are our highest circing audiobook


        CDs are circ'd as a full set, along with their print guides.  We
use to barcode each piece, but recently changed our processing to one
barcode with a note that pops up in our ILS noting how many discs are in
the set. Playaways are circulated with the MP3 device and the battery -
we removed the headphone that came with the set.


        Our audiobook circ rules (loan period, fines, lendable to
"courtesy card" holders) are the same rules used for books, rather than
other forms of media. Though, like other media materials, audiobooks are
still kept in the media center in closed stacks.


        Kim Stanton


        From: videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu
[mailto:videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of Ball, James
        Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 11:54 AM
        To: videolib@lists.berkeley.edu
        Subject: [Videolib] Foreign language materials


        Hi All,

        Is anyone collecting foreign language CDs, and if so what do you
collect and how do you circulate them?  I get requests for things like
Barron's Mastering French which comes with 12 CDs.  First of all, do you
even collect material like that, and if so how would you manage and
circulate it.  Would you check it out as a set?  One disc at a time?  Is
there a different loan period? Are they recallable?  Just trying to wrap
my head around how to easily and effectively do this.






        Matt Ball
        Media and Collections Librarian
        University of Virginia
        Charlottesville, VA  22904
4c37bdfc2dcf42&URL=mailto%3amattball%40virginia.edu>  | 434-924-3812






        VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively
discussion of issues relating to the selection, evaluation,
acquisition,bibliographic control, preservation, and use of current and
evolving video formats in libraries and related institutions. It is
hoped that the list will serve as an effective working tool for video
librarians, as well as a channel of communication between
libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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