A lot of the discussion of VHS only titles made me think of many great TV
movies , long forgotten and some of which never even made VHS or did so in
the earliest years so most copies are long gone. The 50s is generally
referred to as "The Golden Age" of Television with many wonderful live
dramas, but many  of us remember the glory years of the "Made for TV" movie
which I would date roughly 1970-78. Nearly all of them except BRIAN'S SONG
are unknown today. I remember all sorts of wonderful films including
DR.COOK'S GARDEN with Bing Crosby as a beloved, but homicidal small town
doctor. IN THIS HOUSE OF BREDE with Diane Rigg as a business woman who
decides to become a nun, 4 great films directed by the totally underrated
SLOVIK and the shockingly forgotten THAT CERTAIN SUMMER which was really the
first "main stream" film to deal sympathetically and  with homosexuality as
the main plot, KILL ME IF YOU CAN and THE GLASS HOUSE both with Alan Alda, A
WAR OF CHILDREN about Northern Ireland, TRIBES about a draftee and perhaps
the most wonderful of the lot LOVE AMONG THE RUINS with Laurence Olivier &
Katherine Hepburn. There ares so many more

Of these only THE GLASS HOUSE which Amazon carries and I find somewhat
suspicous it out on DVD and none has been in print on VHS for a long, long

I am actually surprised companies have tried to acquire and release many of

Jessica Rosner
Media Consultant
224-545-3897 (cell)
212-627-1785 (land line)
VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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