7 Billion People in 2011 - Award-Winning Film Shows Why We Should Care

On October 31st, 2011 the UN will announce the 7 billionth person born on planet Earth. The award winning film “Mother: Caring for 7 Billion” is now available for university programming events that surround this historic milestone. This University/Academic includes the PPR and can be shown on campus as an event and in the classroom. The Middle and High School Academic DVD with extra Lessons and readings is also available on the film’s website www.motherthefilm.com

Award-winning environmental filmmakers are releasing Mother: Caring for 7 Billion, a film on sustainability, over-consumption and population. A winner at the Boulder International Film Festival this year, Mother inspired the progressive Boulder audience to give a standing ovation. Alan Weisman, author of The World Without Us wrote “Mother is a thoughtful, visually striking treatment of one of our biggest questions, both personal and planetary. It hooks you, holds you -- and leaves you genuinely hoping."

In the film, Beth – a mother, a child-rights activist and a member of a large American family of 12 – realizes her own family’s impact and then travels to Ethiopia and witnesses firsthand the pressures of rapid population growth in developing countries. There she meets a young woman Zinet, living in extreme poverty, who, against all odds, found the courage to break free from thousand-year-old-cultural barriers by refusing to get married young and by attending school.

“Overpopulation is just another symptom of a domination system,” says the film’s director Chris Fauchere. “We not only need to empower women, but we also have to move away from a ‘user’ to a ‘nurturing’ attitude towards our planet and each other.” He then adds, “It’s a win-win situation for women, the sustainability of the world economy and the health of the planet.”

Tiroir A Films Productions’ previous award-winning environmental films include The Great Squeeze (2009) and Energy Crossroads (2007). This is a limited release and is only available on the film’s website for purchase at www.motherthefilm.com


Joyce Johnson

Tiroir A Films Productions, LLC (TAF)


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