Most of the Zipporah films have purchase agreements restricting use to 
your institution.  ILL may be difficult!

Good luck.

Nell Chenault
Research Librarian for Film and Music
VCU Libraries

From:   "Wochna, Lorraine" <>
To:     "" <>
Date:   09/25/2011 06:29 PM
Subject:        [Videolib] DVD vendor Q - COOL WORLD
Sent by:

HI all,

I am looking for Shirley Clarke's "Cool World" for purchase.
I can get it here:
But not sure if it is legit (I feel certain it is not). 

I see Zipporah has it on VHS for $400 (that's all) and it is not available 
in DVD.

>From Worldcat most of the copies are from Zipporah, and one from 
'Nostalgia Collector" which I don't think is in business anymore.  If I 
have to I will ILL this, because $400 for VHS seems high, but I don't know 
the film that well and I could be mistaken. 

Any light on this would be appreciated.


lorraine wochna
Alden Library, Ohio University
Instruction Coordinator
Subjects:  African American Studies, English, Film & Theatre
T: 740 597 1238

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of 
issues relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic 
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as an effective working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of 
communication between libraries,educational institutions, and video 
producers and distributors.

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
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