I've read many of the posts asking this list about PPR for films, and today is 
the first time that it has come up for me!  (I'm so proud!) This seems like it 
should be an easy question to answer, but I'd like to run it by the list first 
if you don't mind.  

The for-profit college in town wants to find PPR for Woody Allen's Midnight in 
Paris.  They can't find it, so they call the neighboring institution (which is 
how I get the question).

I look up Midnight in Paris.  Find from the Variety review that is distributed 
by Sony Pictures Classics.   Sony = Swank, so I head over to the Swank website 
and search for Midnight in Paris. I don't find it listed, but I have a gut 
feeling that this is because it isn't listed to distribute until the 20th this 
month.   I think at this point I'm going to recommend that they contact Swank 
(http://www.swank.com/contact.html) for PPR.  

Is this the way a PPR hunt should be done?  I was unsure if PPR was even 
needed, but since it's a For Profit college, I suppose different rules apply.

Thanks for any feedback!

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relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
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