That sounds like a tragedy waiting to happen! Yikes!  I tried to find an
article or two detailing great loss from other libraries who went the same
route. Either it always works out for these libraries, or they are too
embarrassed to write about their losses.  I did find an article that was
written by a librarian (in 2006) at a community college in Washington who
was happy with the library's decision to go to open stacks; the article was
written less than one year from the time they implemented the change,
however. Perhaps you could contact that library now and see how things are
working out for them 5 years later?

GOOD LUCK!  Hope your ADMIN has a change of heart!

King, Lynne. "How We Changed And Lived To Tell About It." Alki 22.1 (2006):
23-24. Library Literature & Information


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