Dear Colleagues,
The Fair Use and Video Project has posted online its document titled "Community 
Practices in the Fair Use of Video in Libraries,"
For an introduction to the document, please see Carrie's Russell's blog post on 
ALA'S District Dispatch at
To those of you who contributed your time and effort to answer our surveys, 
attend our focus groups, or comment on our drafts, we offer you our sincere 
This project began as an attempt by the Video Roundtable to establish a 
recommended body of practice in the fair use of video for educational purposes. 
A team of six librarians, with advice and guidance from ALA’s Office of 
Information Technology Policy, coordinated the process of gathering input from 
the media librarian community and then created a document describing our 
findings. We decided to focus on documenting our community practices, i.e. how 
librarians routinely and responsibly fulfill their mission to preserve and 
provide access to our cultural record.    The team conducted in-person 
interviews at national conferences and hosted a series of focus groups at 
locations across the country: Boston, Seattle, Evanston, Washington, D.C. and 
Richmond.  About eighty library staff members with varying responsibilities for 
buying, processing, and/or supporting the educational use of video were 
included in our surveys.
We welcome your comments and suggestions!   This is a living document and your 
comments may prompt revisions.   If you'd like to leave a comment, please use 
the Comments link on the right.  Please do let me know if you have any problems 
accessing or using the site.

Best regards,

Judy Thomas, University of Virginia

for the Fair Use and Video Working Group:
Steve Brantley, University of Illinois at Chicago
Nell Chenault, Virginia Commonwealth University
Carleton Jackson, University of Maryland
Carrie Russell, American Library Association, Office for Information Technology 
Claire Stewart, Northwestern University
Judith Thomas, University of Virginia
Justin Wadland, University of Washington-Tacoma

Judith Thomas
Director, Arts and Media Services
University of Virginia Library
434.924.8814   /<>

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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