Hi all,
Trying to track down 16/35mm rentals for Sembane films  I know a good portion 
of them are available from our friends and New Yorker and Calif. Newsreel.  I 
am wondering if anyone knows where the others may be available (in US).

Moolaadé (New Yorker)
Faat Kiné (California Newsreel)
Guelwaar  (New Yorker)
Camp de Thiaroye (New Yorker)
Ceddo (??)
Xala  (New Yorker)
Emitaï (??)
Tauw (short)  (??)
Borom sarret (short) (New Yorker)
Mandabi (??)
Black Girl  (New Yorker)
Niaye (short) (??)
The Sonhrai Empire (documentary short) (??)

Thanks for your help : )
Myles Jaeschke
Media Collections
Tulsa City-County Library

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