I'm alternately laughing and getting misty...

Brigid, have you been hanging on to these gems for all these years?


Matt Ball
Media and Collections Librarian
Clemons Library
University of Virginia

On Jun 27, 2012, at 6:41 PM, "Brigid Duffy" <bdu...@sfsu.edu> wrote:

> Hello All,
> A Collection of Gary-isms, to ease today's pain:
> On overdue videos:
> “A 400 buck fine almost always gets the stuff back.”
> “For lost or "permanently misplaced" items, we charge retail cost of  
> replacement...faculty, grad student instructors, Nobel laureates,  
> doesn't matter.”
> On illegal copying by faculty:
> “Tell the faculty member you'll bake him/her a nice cake with a file  
> in it when he/she becomes cellmates with Martha Stewart...”
> On inadequate classroom equipment:
> “Since I am (thank the gods of media) not responsible for classroom  
> equipment, there's really nothing I can do except fume and plead.”
> “...I dunno about other academic institutions, but at Berkeley, a good  
> number of classrooms don't even have window shades, let alone  
> projectors that will do justice to Blu Ray.”
> On fair use:
> “Well, unfortunately, there is no nice, tidy, fair use cookbook recipe  
> for most of this stuff. ”
> “Well, whether there's a problem or not depends on how wild and wooly  
> your institution is in interpreting fair use.”
> On work:
> “Hullo all (and don't we all fall down on our knees and thanks the  
> stars it's Friday)”
> “Yo ho, maties! ('m feeling positively pirate-y today, for some reason)”
> “Thanks God for a discussion thread NOT about copyright... OK...here's  
> my 2.5 cents (damn, I miss the cents key on the keyboard!): “
> “Now, I'm not saying that Berkeley is typical (I would NEVER say that  
> Berkeley is typical), “
> On independent producers:
> “if the small guys with cool stuff go away, God help us all.”
> On tiered pricing:
> “I've been mulling over the spate of recent posts re tiered pricing,  
> etc. Mulling and stewing (sorta sounds like holiday dinner, don't it?) “
> On media use:
> “you can talk about forcing faculty to reserve in advance all you  
> want; you can try to predict probable forthcoming need based on past  
> use patterns.  It's still a crap shoot.  “
> On unversity administrators;
> “You're boss is sorely deluded...Hers is, I'm afraid, the kind of  
> bubbly administratorspeak that's based less on insight and real  
> knowledge and more on on buzz and other ill-gotten notions picked up  
> banging around the infosphere...”
> “I think there is an almost universal perception (outside of our small  
> professional clique) that the specialization is no longer really  
> needed (if it ever was).   This, of course, is utter bushwah...but  
> tell that to administrators closely watching the bottom line. ”
> “Where to start?  So much stupidity, so little time to vent...”
> On multi-region machines:
> “Get another Senior Purchasing agent...or have her (him) show you the  
> law that says these machines are illegal.”
> On streaming media:
> “Again, my major concern in all of this is the potential of sliding  
> toward the procrustean...the tendency to cut of the head and the feet  
> to match the size of the bed.”
> “By the way, in my experience, students don't really give a two-penny  
> damn about image quality, in most instances.  These are folks (like my  
> daughter) who will watch a 90 minute feature film on their iPhones. “
> “I think it is becoming increasingly common for technology to dictate  
> content, and that's a really nasty direction to take.  Library  
> administrators and tech salesmen aren't always that far apart in their  
> witting (or unwitting) buy-in to this trend.”
> On subject lists:
> “OK...this thing has gotten completely out of hand...I'm stopping  
> now...really...I mean it....I'm still open for suggestions, but just a  
> crack...”
> “No the be-all and end-all, but at least it's something.”
> On responding too fast to a VideoLib post:
> “I'm starting to confuse myself...I can imagine what I'm doing to you  
> all...”
> On sharing with VideoLib a video he made for a documentary class:
> “(yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...copyright blah blah blah...write it off  
> as my inclusion here as part of valid criticism and commentary)”
> On media collections:
> “We should all have the motto:  "It's the CONTENT THAT COUNTS"  
> tattooed on our forearms...”
> On A Fair(y) Use Tale Mash-up:
> Faden should be carried around on all of our shoulders.  He's my new  
> hero!”
> Finally:
> “I know a lot of my pals on this list have different opinions, based  
> on local need and circumstance...so let er' rip...”
> “In any case, your thoughts and comments would be interesting and  
> appreciated!”
> “Keep calm and carry on.”
> “Gary (who is headed off shortly to an unpretentious little pinot and  
> an emailess weekend)”
> Thank you, Mr. Handman.
> Brigid Duffy
> Academic Technology
> San Francisco State University
> San Francisco, CA  94132-4200
> E-mail: bdu...@sfsu.edu
> VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
> relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
> preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
> related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
> working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
> between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 
> distributors.

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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