This is the big problem with streaming especially for feature films. There
are a huge number that are not available especially foreign and indie
films. You basically have to track them down one by one and to be honest I
strongly suspect on the foreign ones the rights holder will say no or
simply want an insane amount of money. Streaming is of course a specific
right in a contract and you will often find cases where the company that
has the film on DVD does not have the streaming rights.

As a practical matter not every film and not even remote majority of films
made are going to be available for streaming. I would do your best to track
down the rights holders but again they may well say no which is not as mean
as it sounds. If you are asking a rights holder in France to stream a movie
they have not even sold rights for in the US to stream it for a college
they are pretty likely to say no. Indie filmmakers may be more friendly but
quote a high price. Sometimes the professor is just going to have to find
another title

Confused re BABEL. You say multiple venders but can't get streaming? It was
a Paramount Vantage release. Paramount titles are now at Criterion Pictures
USA but I think they can't do streaming yet. Also the rights may have
expired and reverted back to the original owner in Europe but I would check
with Criterion.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Wochna, Lorraine <> wrote:

> Hello again everyone,
> Thank you so much for your advice on streaming films for an online cinema
> studies class.  The Asst Deans here at Ohio U  agree that we should provide
> the streaming access to the list of titles that the faculty has chosen.
>  Some of the titles are available via MEF, some titles I can get through
> Swank Digital, but there are 4 titles that are not available for streaming
> (using or
> Just curious if we have to deal with these 4 titles on a title by title
> basis?  Or is there an 'organization' or third party that can negotiate
> these remaining titles?  While I'm at it, let me send you the 4 titles I am
> having difficulty with, perhaps some of you know who we contact to discover
> if streaming is an option:
> Alejandro G InĂ¡rritu            Babel (2006)                         OWN
> Anayansi Prado               Maid in America (2004)      OWN ON DVD
>   Contact filmmaker: Anayansi Prado < >
> Courtney Hunt                Frozen River (2008)             OWN ON DVD
> Nancy Savoca                  Dirt (2003)                             OWN
> THE DVD        contact filmmaker:  Nancy Savoca <>
> Thanks again, for all your wonderful insight.
> Best,
> lorraine wochna
> lorraine wochna
> Alden Library, Ohio University
> Instruction Coordinator
> Subjects:  African American Studies | English | Film |Theatre
> T: 740 597 1238
> VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of
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VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
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