Answers follow each question

deg farrelly, Media Librarian
Arizona State University Libraries
Hayden Library C1H1
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, Arizona  85287-1006
Phone:  602.332.3103

On 1/23/14 12:38 PM, ""
<> wrote:

>Hi All:
>I was wondering what some of you have done when you have a documentary
>film in your collection that becomes damaged due to scratches or
>unidentified gunk  or what preventative measures you?ve chosen. Recently
>one of our dvds stopped while in use by a faculty member during a class.
>Any suggestions/input to any of the following questions will be
>Do you have a machine in the library for resurfacing? I would love to
>hear suggestions for equipment.

YES, Azurdisc

>Do you use anything else in-house that works well with regard to


>Or do you send it out? If you do send it out would you mind mentioning a
>vendor who you?ve had a good relationship with.


>Do you burn a copy of the dvd as backup when you first receive it to
>prevent it from being unavailable if the dvd does stop working.

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!  Clear violation of copyright!

>Do you review a dvd that you receive in order to determine whether it is
>free from scratches, defects, etc. by playing it as well as by reviewing
>the disc itself?

No.  We only examine a disc if there is a complaint that it does not work.

>Do you ask whoever is staffing the circulation desk to check for
>scratches when a dvd is returned? And, if so, when do you determine as to
>whether there has been permanent damage (this probably is not done at the
>point of return)?

NO, but if a borrower notes a problem with a disc it is sent to our
Preservation unit for inspection / polishing, etc.  ONLY if it is
determined to be irreparable is it then sent to me to determine the need
for a replacement copy purchase, and availability.

IF a title were determined to be unavailable for purchase we would invoke
Section 108 provisions to make a copy, borrowing a playable disc to do so.
 This has not occurred with DVDs (yet)

>Again, any input would be very helpful.
>Sheri Rosenzweig
>Reference and Visual Resources Librarian
>Boston Architectural College
>Visual Resources Library, Rm 511
>320 Newbury Street
>Boston, MA 02115

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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