Greetings (CC: VRT & Comm Libs):

In case it is of interest, here is an entertainment trade pub that mentions
the issue in plain language:

As there is consideration for updating the Copyright
we are also in the beginning stages of updating the Communications
Act.  I recently joined the ALA subcommittee on telecom and am tracking it
with ALA.

As we make the digital shift the laws will be amended -- yet it expected to
be a slow process.



Catherine H. Michael
Communications & Legal Studies Librarian
Ithaca College Library
953 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY  14850

Phone: 607-274-1293

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Rory Litwin <>wrote:

> No, Creative Commons doesn't primarily work on copyright policy. They have
> a set of licenses that lets people share their copyrighted works within the
> framework of existing laws. It's a way for a person to tell the world that
> others can use their copyrighted works legally. Though I am not familiar
> with them, it seems that Fight for the Future is working to change
> copyright laws.
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Susan Chute <> wrote:
>> Hi Diedre and Al,
>> Maybe I need more educating -- and perhaps others as well.  In terms of
>> Fight for the Future's initiative on copyright -- well, doesn't Creative
>> Commons already do it? Isn't that the model?
>> Thanks,
>> Susan Chute
>> On 28 Jan 2014, at 11:27 PM, Kagan, Al <> wrote:
>>  Dee,
>> Thanks for sending this.
>>          Al
>>  On Jan 25, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Diedre Conkling wrote:
>>  Since the ALA Washington Office seems to think that TPP is not going to
>> affect Internet censorship we may need to work on educating ALA bodies
>> outside of the Washington Office.  Surprise. Surprise.
>>  I am wondering what you think about this action from Fight For The
>> Future.
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Holmes Wilson <>
>> Date: Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 1:30 PM
>> Subject: TPP secrecy
>> To:
>>  Dear Fight for the Future member,
>> This is important -- and an awesome idea. Please see below an important
>> message about the Trans-Pacific Partnership from our allies at OpenMedia.
>> Sincerely,
>> -Holmes Wilson
>> Fight for the Future
>> In a matter of weeks over 125,000 citizens from around the world have
>> spoken out against the TPP's Internet censorship plan. We now know that
>> this remarkable global effort has gotten us the attention of
>> decision-makers negotiating the TPP.
>> Heads of government from Malaysia, New Zealand, and others are now
>> calling for greater transparency and public engagement in the TPP
>> negotiations. [1][2][3] This is amazing, and would have never happened
>> without your support.
>> Now that we have their attention, it's time to let them know what we
>> want. We need to create a citizen-led vision for copyright rules that serve
>> creativity, innovation, and sharing, not control by Big Media. Be part
>> of our crowdsourced visioning 
>> process<>today.
>> Earlier this year, we asked the Internet community what we should do to
>> protect a free and open Internet. We heard loud and clear that it's time to
>> start crafting our own community-driven copyright rules -- and that's
>> exactly what we've done by creating a cool, easy-to-use drag and drop
>> tool,<>drawn
>>  from your comments and suggestions during the Your Digital Future
>> process.
>> To add to your voices, we consulted digital access experts, Internet
>> innovators and entrepreneurs from several countries to identify the issues
>> that will impact our ability to share and collaborate online.
>> What we want to create is a Trans-Pacific Partnership of our own - a
>> partnership of citizens, creators and innovators looking to share and
>> collaborate in the 21st century. But it needs your support to 
>> work<>
>> .
>> We've seen crowd-sourced visions work before - once the citizen-centered
>> alternative exists, it becomes impossible for decision-makers to claim
>> their extreme proposals are serving regular people.
>> Help put the interests of a truly citizen-driven movement in
>> decision-makers' hands, and they won't be able to ignore 
>> us.<>
>> Together, we are stronger - a crowdsourced vision is only as good as the
>> crowd that participates. We need mass input from a wide range of Internet
>> users to be able to truly propose a citizen-created plan. Be a part of
>> this worldwide initiative -- add your voice 
>> now.<>
>> We can do this,
>> Your friends at OpenMedia
>> Footnotes
>> [1] Government committed to presenting TPPA at Parliament says Najib.
>> Source: The Borneo 
>> Post.<>
>> [2] Prime Minister Warns Contentious Issues Could Derail TPP Deal.
>> Source: Radio NZ (New 
>> Zealand).<>
>> [3] Don't Sell Out Japan in TPP Talks. Source: Japan 
>> Times<>
>> .
>> -------------------
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>> unsubscribe<>here.
>> --
>> *Diedre Conkling*
>> * Lincoln County Library District P.O. Box 2027 Newport, OR 97365 Phone &
>> Fax: 541-265-3066 <541-265-3066> Work email**: *
>> ** <>
>> * Home email: *** <>
>>  "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change
>> your attitude."--Maya Angelou
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