Greetings Media Librarians,

American Library Association’s Notable Videos for Adults Committee has three 
vacancies to fill this year. If you love watching and sharing interesting films 
for adults this is the committee for you.

We aim for a balanced mix of librarians from academic, public and special 
libraries that work with media and serve adult populations. We are now looking 
for three librarians one from an academic, and two from either a special, or 
public library to balance out the team. This is an opportunity to serve on a 
rewarding and enjoyable professional committee at the national level.  Members 
of the committee must be members of the American Library Association (ALA) and 
the Video Round Table (VRT).  Please note that representatives or employees of 
video producers or distributors are not eligible to serve.  Each member will 
serve a term of two years, with a maximum number of consecutive terms not to 
exceed two, for a total of four years of service.

All committee members are required to:

*  Be members of ALA and the Video Round Table (VRT),

*  Attend ALA Midwinter for two consecutive years (Chicago and Boston),

*  View, evaluate and mail a substantial amount of videos leading up to ALA 
Midwinter.  Last year, over 40 titles were nominated.

For complete information about the committee, please visit our web page:

Please be aware that attendance at ALA Midwinter for two consecutive years is 
absolutely mandatory and that members must screen all nominated films.  
Screeners are provided but they must be returned promptly to be available to 
all members.

If you are interested in serving as a member, please respond directly to me by 
April 18, 2014.  A decision on Notable Committee invitations will be made 
shortly thereafter in consultation with the Chair of the Video Round Table.  
Please indicate your membership status with ALA and VRT, your ability to commit 
to attending ALA Midwinter, and include additional information regarding your 
experience with videos (i.e., selection, collection development, reviewing, 
etc.).  Please also indicate if you’ve previously served on this committee, as 
priority consideration will be given to newly recruited members.

Check out our 2014 Winners!<>


Michele McKenzie

ALA VRT Notable Videos for Adults Chair

Art & Music Librarian

Berkeley Public Library

2090 Kittredge Street

Berkeley, CA  94704

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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