Hi Lorraine & videolibbers!


We have a few films that might fit the bill:


CASTING THE FIRST <http://www.icarusfilms.com/cat97/a-e/casting_.html>
STONE focuses on six women who regularly confront each other from opposite
sides of a police barricade. Three believe that abortion is an inalienable
right. Three consider it murder. 


Shelley Miller, director of the Women's Suburban Clinic in Paoli,
Pennsylvania, endures constant harassment from anti-abortion groups camped
outside her doors. Joan Scalia, a Catholic mother of six, defies her husband
to join Operation Rescue's efforts. Sharon Owens, clinic counselor and
adoptive mother of three, is closer to the middle. She cannot decide when
human life begins, but feels required - as a Christian - to serve others who


As it chronicles the daily lives of these and the other women, the camera
records anti-abortion blockades, counseling sessions, a visit with a young
mother the protesters persuaded to have her baby, and Planned Parenthood's
emergency board meetings after the Supreme Court's historic Webster v.
Missouri decision. Rare in giving equal voice to both sides, Casting the
First <http://www.icarusfilms.com/cat97/a-e/casting_.html>  Stone is among
the most insightful documents of the abortion struggle ever made. 


"If you can use only one film or tape about abortion, this is the one to
choose." - Professor Virginia Yans McGlaughlin, Rutgers University

 <http://www.icarusfilms.com/new99/drspence.html> DEAR DR SPENCER


>From the early 1920s until his death in 1969, Dr. Robert Douglas Spencer
practiced medicine in a small town in the anthracite coal region of
Pennsylvania. Dr. Spencer treated colds, set fractures, and provided basic
medical care. But he was unique. He performed illegal abortions.


Dr. Spencer performed his first abortion, his patient a poor coal miner's
wife, in 1923. Soon after, the doctor's reputation spread. He began
receiving letters from women across the country, asking, sometimes pleading,
for his help. Ashland, Pennsylvania, a town of church-goers, grateful to him
for his dedication to the mining community, quietly allowed the doctor to
practice. The citizens seemed to ignore the steady stream of young women
going to and from his office, the out of state license plates, the
ever-increasing number of one-night guests at the town's hotel. They even
protected him each time the state police tried to shut his practice down.
Dr. Spencer was arrested three times but never convicted. Historians
estimated that he performed more than 40,000 safe abortions during the
course of his career.


Emmy Nomination, National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences


"Powerfully evokes what life without legal abortion would be like."-Liz
Mermin, IndieWIRE


Click here for more titles from Women
<http://www.icarusfilms.com/subjects/wmhealth.html> 's Health and Bioethics
<http://www.icarusfilms.com/subjects/bioethic.html> .




Nina Riddel

Sales Associate

Icarus Films




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