Registration is happening now.

A couple workshops of note:

* Wednesday Morning:Workshop: A/V Tech Basics for non-engineers *
The workshop will focus on providing a good technical basis, in plain
English, for those who do not already have audiovisual engineering
training. The goal is to allow non-technical people of all types to have a
good, basic grasp of the technologies, concepts and terms involved in
audiovisual recording and reproduction in general, digitization of
audiovisual materials, and what is involved in file-based workflows,
metadata and long-term data archiving once materials are digitized. People
who attend the workshop will walk away with a good, operating grasp of the
technologies involved, de-mystifying the terms and concepts audiovisual
archivists face every day at institutions large and small to know what
materials they are looking at, how to handle their preservation, how to
plan for their digital conversion, and have a functional knowledge of the
terminology and concepts required to write grants and contracts for digital
conversion and storage of audiovisual materials.

* Wednesday Afternoon: Workshop: Preserving Your Audio and Video Assets:
The Essentials *
 What do you need to know to protect the video and audio materials in your
collection? If you want to preserve these valuable assets, you really need
a basic understanding of the media…what is unique about it, how it should
be handled, how to evaluate its condition, and what concepts and decisions
need to be applied to preserve the content for future generations. The
workshop will start with an overview of tape structure, proper
handling/storage procedures, obsolescence considerations and evaluation
techniques needed to assess and protect what you have in your collections.
This will include pictorial guides to identifying tape types, rate danger
from obsolescence and standardized procedures to evaluate if tapes are safe
to play or copy. The workshop will then review popular digital file
options, digital storage options, essentials for choosing and dealing with
digitization or storage vendors, how to determine when digitization or
storage can be done in-house and, finally, options for metadata and content

Here's the page of fees. Non-members can register for single day (or full
conference) attendance and can also register for single workshops.

Chris Lewis  American University Library  202.885.3257
VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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